Location: Cliffhill Lane, Aslockton (opp 32) Dates Mon 5 July to Fri 9 July Times 24 hours Restrictions Two Way Signals Description of Works New Supply Promoter WPD Enquiries to: Lauren Wheatley 01332 827008 Emergency contact to: WPD 105 or…
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Annual Governance and Accountability Return
AGAR now available online Smaller authorities, like parish councils, must publish various documents on a publicly available website as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. These include: Certificate of Exemption, page 3 Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/21, page 4 Section 1 – Annual Governance…
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June Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to a meeting of Aslockton Parish Council which will be held in the Thomas Cranmer Centre (TCC), Main St, Aslockton, Nottingham NG13 9AL on Monday, 14 June 2021 at 19.00. This will be the first face-to-face meeting after many months of meeting online. Rules and regulations to limit the spread of Covid-19 are still in place. All…
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TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES and RESTRICTIONS for OUTLAW HALF TRIATHLON EVENT on SUNDAY 20th JUNE 2021 Find more information about this event on the Outlaw Triathlon website (external link opening in new tab) Prohibition of Driving (except pedal cycles and vehicles in connection with the event) – 06:00 to 12:00 hours East Bridgford Road, Newton – Its whole length Moor Lane,…
Road Closure Main Street 5th-9th July
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Nottinghamshire County Council (in exercise of its powers under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) being the traffic authority for the length or lengths of road referred to in this Notice, hereby directs, because the restriction or prohibition should come into force without delay, that: – No person shall proceed in…
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Nottinghamshire County Council Election of a County Councillor for Bingham East Division Notice is hereby given that: A poll for the election of a County Councillor for Bingham East Division will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm. The number of County Councillors to be elected is one. The names, home…
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Road closure
Roadworks Bulletin – Rushcliffe Temporary Road Closure – New Lane, Aslockton Road No. & Location Scarrington Level Crossing, New Lane, Aslockton – 20 metres either side of the level crossing Start Date/Time 23:10 hours on Tuesday 25th May 2021 End Date/Time 05:00 hours on Wednesday 26th May 2021…
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You are invited to the
Annual Parish Meeting The annual assembly of the parish electorate which will be held online on Thursday, 06 May 2021 at 6.45pm To join the Zoom Meeting go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81116791469?pwd=QmFtZ2lwTXV2bVMyT0FhY3kzREhTUT09 Meeting ID: 811 1679 1469, Passcode: 329424 One tap mobile +442034815237,,81116791469#,,,,*329424# United Kingdom Dial by your location: +44 203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 811 1679 1469, Passcode: 329424 Chris Haslam …
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County Council elections
The candidates for the County Council elections on 7th May have been confirmed. The relevant documents can be downloaded below. Please note that these are third party documents. If you require these to be supplied in an accessible format, please contact Rushcliffe Borough Council: Rushcliffe Borough Council Electoral Services Visit us Contact us by post 0115 981 99 11 elections@rushcliffe.gov.uk…
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Police and Crime Commissioner Elections
The candidates for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections 0n 7th May have been confirmed. The relevant documents can be downloaded below. Please note that these are third party documents. If you require these to be supplied in an accessible format, please contact Rushcliffe Borough Council: Rushcliffe Borough Council Electoral Services Visit us Contact us by post 0115 981 99…
Continue Reading: Police and Crime Commissioner Elections