Job Opportunity

Parish ClerkNews

Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer Aslockton Parish Council requires a part-time Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer.  You will be working with a team of local councillors for the benefit of the residents of Aslockton. This varied post will suit someone interested in the local community and local government. You will have good communication, administrative and numeracy skills and will be able to…
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Christmas Bin Dates

Parish ClerkNews

Here are Rushcliffe Borough Council’s bin collection dates for the festive period.

Consultation on admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2023-2024

Parish ClerkNews

Period of consultation: 4 October 2021 to 28 November 2021 Who are Nottinghamshire County Council consulting We will be seeking the views of the following groups: • parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen • other people in the relevant area who may have an interest in the proposed admission arrangements • all other admission authorities within…
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The Future Of Nottinghamshire

Parish ClerkNews

The Big Notts Survey Nottinghamshire County Council needs YOU to help it shape the future of Nottinghamshire by filling in The Big Notts Survey. It’s quick, it’s simple, and most importantly, it’s your chance to have your say on how you want Nottinghamshire to look in 10 years time.  Have your say  Why is Nottinghamshire County Council asking for your views?…
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Post Office News

Parish ClerkNews

For further information please visit our Consultation Hub via the link below: Consultation Hub – Aslockton NG13 9AL It would be helpful if you could share this link through your social media channels and with any local groups or organizations within the community to help our customers and your constituents understand what is happening.

Stop Press+++Stop Press+++Stop Press

Parish ClerkNews

POST OFFICE SERVICES TO BE RESTORED TO ASLOCKTON Temporary hosted Outreach service introduced to Aslockton Post Office services are being restored to Aslockton on 19/07 with the introduction of a temporary hosted Outreach service. Aslockton Post Office temporarily closed on 14/7 due to the withdrawal of the premises at Main Street, Aslockton, Nottingham, NG13 9AL, for Post Office use at…
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Roadworks on Cliffhill Lane

Parish ClerkNews

Location: Cliffhill Lane, Aslockton (opp 32)    Dates   Mon 5 July to Fri 9 July     Times   24 hours           Restrictions   Two Way Signals     Description of Works   New Supply   Promoter   WPD   Enquiries to:   Lauren Wheatley 01332 827008   Emergency contact to:   WPD 105 or…
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Annual Governance and Accountability Return

Parish ClerkNews

AGAR now available online Smaller authorities, like parish councils, must publish various documents on a publicly available website as required by the  Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. These include: Certificate of Exemption, page 3 Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/21, page 4 Section 1 – Annual Governance…
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June Parish Council Meeting

Parish ClerkNews

You are invited to a meeting of Aslockton Parish Council which will be held in the Thomas Cranmer Centre (TCC), Main St, Aslockton, Nottingham NG13 9AL on Monday, 14 June 2021 at 19.00. This will be the first face-to-face meeting after many months of meeting online. Rules and regulations to limit the spread of Covid-19 are still in place. All…
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