Parish ClerkNews

Nottinghamshire County Council

Election of a County Councillor for Bingham East Division

Notice is hereby given that:

  1. A poll for the election of a County Councillor for Bingham East Division will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
  2. The number of County Councillors to be elected is one.
  3. The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of CandidateHome AddressDescription  (if any)Names of Signatories Proposers(+) and Seconders(++)
  BIRD Rowan  50 Abbey Road Bingham Notts NG13 8ED  IndependentNicola R Thomas (+)Brian R E Weaver (++)
  PURDUE-HORAN Francis Anthoney  46 Tithby Road Bingham Nottingham NG13 8GP  The Conservative Party CandidateCynthia A Malloy (+)Winifred L Pell (++)
  SWIFT John Douglas  10 Banks Crescent Bingham Nottingham NG13 8BP  Reform UKAnn Swift (+)Victoria L Wootton (++)
  WILSON Rachel Helen  22 St Johns Road Ruddington Nottingham NG11 6EU  Green PartyBenjamin L Attenborough (+)  Karen Bannochie (++)  
  WOOD Zoe    (Address in Rushcliffe Borough)  Christian Peoples AllianceGodwin Wood (+)  Regiane Lopes Nobre Rance (++)
  • The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling StationStation NumberRanges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Bingham Methodist Centre, Union Street, Bingham, Nottingham1BIE1-1 to BIE1-1609 and BIE2-1 to BIE2-2261
Thomas Cranmer Centre, Main Street, Aslockton2CRAS-1 to CRAS-892 and CRSCA-1 to CRSCA-142
Car Colston & Screveton Village Hall, Car Colston3CRCA-1 to CRCA-134 and CRSCR-1 to CRSCR129/4
Jubilee Hall, Whatton In the Vale4CRWHA-1 to CRWHA-729
The Institute (Barnstone), Barnstone5CWWH-1 to CWWH-37 and THBA-1 to THBA-359
East Bridgford Methodist Chapel, Main Street, East Bridgford6EBEB-1 to EBEB-1475 and EBKN-1 to EBKN-37
Orston Village Hall, Orston, Nottingham7THEL-1 to THEL-83, THFLA-1 to THFLA-45, THOR-1 to THOR-403 and THTH-1 to THTH-105
Flintham Village Hall, Inholms Road, Flintham, Newark8THFLI-1 to THFLI-466
Granby Village Hall, Granby9THGR-1 to THGR-319
Hawksworth Church Hall, Hawksworth10THHA-1 to THHA-111, THSH-1 to THSH-111 and THSI-1 to THSI-102
Location of polling stations
  • This poll is taken together with  the election of the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

Dated Tuesday 27 April 2021                                     Katherine Marriott

                                                                         Deputy Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Deputy Returning Officer, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG